Born in Japan, National Technology・Nucreal Advanced technology
"RAYDENT treatment" is a special surface treatment technology to form an alloyed surface of metallic materials by means of electroplating.
Using an electrochemical reaction at a temperature below 0°C, which is different from ordinary chemical reactions, chrome ceramic particulates of about f1 mm or smaller in size are precipitated in large number. Part of their coating forms an alloy-like diffusion layer (about 1 μm) in the bulk of the metallic material, which is a great feature of this treatment. Therefore,
(1) The RAYDENT coating and the base metal are completely integrated, so the coating is semi-permanent and will not be separated (exfoliated). The alloyed metallic surface goes through a stable period to become stainless and forms a continuous protective rustproof strong film with the still outer oxide ceramic layer (about 1 μm).
(2) Using the property of (1), various high polymer resins (for example, organic glass solutions, fluorocarbon resins, and highly functional resins) are impregnated in numerous pores in the RAYDENT coating. Such a material can present any physical and chemical properties (mechanical, electrical, chemical, optical, vacuum, and thermal shock etc.) almost permanently without yielding to intense mechanical deformation in all industrial areas from outer space to deep sea. This will bring about a revolutionary progress in industrial engineering, so we call it "RAYDENT Nucreal Advanced Technology."
On the other hand, this unique RAYDENT coating give an innovative interpretation to Faraday's law of electrolysis. Coulomb's law forms the theoretical basis of electroplating technology and JIS standards, based on the proportionality of electric current, while the RAYDENT coating is an unprecedented technology unique in the world that has proven a rust inhibiting theory (the infinite dispersion potential theory) of very thin films from the potential difference side.
The greatest contribution of this technology so far is found in the Japanese high-tech industries represented by semiconductors. Iron and steel materials are indeed liable to rust, but are easy to machine and available in various types. This technology has made it possible to use such rust-prone materials and has led the high precision electronic equipment industry, which is necessary for semiconductor manufacturing, to the highest position in the world.
With the advent of this technology, the endurable life of almost all metallic products can be greatly improved several times over conventional methods in terms of both rust inhibition and surface treatment. This effect will pioneer new fields of resource saving and "high life and life extension engineering," which will be needed around the world after this. We think our technology will become a necessary great central fundamental technology to bear the prospect of Japanese industrial technologies.
This advanced RAYDENT treatment technology is technology indigenous to Japan, established by the inborn originality of Ken Ogawa, founder of our company, on December 25, 1964.
January 7, 2003
Supporting member of the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan
Member of Smiconductor Equipment and Materials International
39-3, Enoguchi, Shimata, Kumiyama-cho, Kuse-gun, Kyoto, Japan 613-0043
RAYDENT and raydent are registered treadmarks of RAYDENT INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD.